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Discussing Everyday Issues Affecting Everyday People

Edition 14 - Volume 4
7/7/2002 thru 7/13/2002

New Genealogy Section

Issues has changed our genealogy forum. We will, from this moment in time forward, dedicate the genealogical resource section to historical and genealogical research within the Town of Collins and hamlet of Collins Center, Erie County, NY.

Issues realizes that many of our American ancestors have lived, visited, or somehow left their marks in this area, and we hope that our research will assist those seeking that elusive ancestor. The first records from the area indicate that settlers began arriving in approximately 1809. Some stayed, their family roots planted firmly in the soil. Others stayed temporarily, leaving their marks on the area before moving further westward. Some stayed, left, and then returned. The fact is, many families throughout America can locate at least an out branch of their family tree in the Collins – Collins Center area.

One factor has remained consistent throughout the nearly 200 years that the town has been inhabited by Euro-American families, many people who have left the area have chosen to have their remains transported to the local burial grounds, and that is where Issues has chosen to begin..... Continued...

Tai's Spirit Forest

Last week Issues turned the spirit section of our ezine over to 4 year-old Alexis and 6 year-old Tai for a makeover. They did an excellent job adopting Site Fight adoptable characters, as well as rearranging the pages. They even won this award:

"Hello there Linda!
(This is for you and your darling Grandchildren!!)
I am very proud to award you
DRealm of the Fairies - Magical Spirit Page Award.
You have an awesome Spirit Page
well deserving of this award.
We Love to see your Spirit!! Thank you for Showing Your Spirit!"
DFairy Star and all the Spirit Fairies of Drealm

Well, the Fairies of Drealm certainly made Tai and Alexis excited children. In fact, Tai worked to complete his own little Spirit Forest. Alexis is working on a spirit garden, and yes, Grandma is pitching in.

Issues certainly admires the creativity and perseverance of both Tai and Alexis, and we want our readers to encourage all children to develop their individual talents.

So please drop on in, take a look around and while you're at it......

We certainly would appreciate your vote!

Issues made it through the semi-final rounds at The Site Fights,  moving into the battlefield, where we battled till the end. As of the writing of this article, Issues was involved in a tie - breaking vote off, with our very worthy opponent; HeavenScent 2002. The votes have been counted! Congratulations HeavenScent 2002! Issues will remain in the battlefield for another week.

We appreciate all of our supporters and ask for your continued support this week.  Issues is asking our readers to drop by and vote for us once a day, Monday through Friday. Simply scroll down the page click the circle next to Issues Ezine place your email address in the text box and vote. Don't worry, your email address will not be sold to an international SPAM group, and you won't receive unsolicited emails from The Site Fights for doing us a favor. WE PROMISE!


Issues Announces New Contest

Check Issues main page often. We will be giving away a copy of George Harb's Never Let You Go sometime during the month of July. A question will be placed on the front page for a one hour interval. The first person able to answer the question correctly, within the one hour time period, will be awarded a copy of the new CD. So take a good look through our site so you'll be ready to answer the mystery question. And don't forget, the question will be hidden on the front page. It will appear for one hour only. The first reader to locate and correctly answer the question will be our winner. 

Last week we suggested stopping by on Wednesday. We noticed that many of you did. Unfortunately, either those of you who stopped in were not reading our entire front page, or you were here during the wrong time period. So, this week, we suggest you drop in on Friday to see if you can be the winner.

Why is Collins Center Dying?

When one discusses a dying town, people generally picture a town whose residents are moving away, whose businesses have long ago closed their doors. Well, Collins Center, a tiny hamlet in the center of the Town of Collins, located in the south western corner of Erie County, NY, is no different in that aspect.


Why is Collins Center Dying?

Continued from previous column... The once thriving community has lost itself to the  vast bridge of modern technology. Vehicles make it easier to access work 60 miles or more away from town. Modern highways and byways draw Collins Center residents away. The tiny general stores, the gas stations, or should I rephrase that to service stations, have met their fate as well.

Yes indeed, Collins Center is the typical 19th century, rural small town, with businesses long closed, the buildings converted into housing, and residents commuting some distance to work. There is one thing that is even sadder, scarier as a matter of fact, especially to life-long residents such as myself; the people who live here, the people who have lived here in the past and moved on, are also dying. Just like residents of other communities, death takes its toll, whether it be via accidents, homicide, suicide, or age is not what scares me. It's the fact that for a small community of approximately 500 residents, the cancer rate is extremely high............Continued...


Anyone receiving email from Connie616@hotmail.com, BE ADVISED - THE EMAIL HAS A WORM TYPE VIRUS ATTACHED! If you receive an infected email from an anonymous source and you utilize Outlook express, you CAN determine the actual source of the email. So those of you who feel you are getting away with something funny -- OPPS YOU'VE BEEN CAUGHT!

Table of Contents

Article Pages

  1. Genealogy Forum

  2. Collins - Collins Center Obits - 1998
  3. Collins - Collins Center Obits 1999
  4. Collins - Collins Center Obits 2000
  5. Collins Collins - Center Obits 2001
  6. Collins - Collins Center Obits 2002
  7. Collins - Collins Center Obits Various Years
  8. Cattaraugus Indian Reservation Deaths: 1997 - 1998

  9. Cattaraugus Indian Reservation Deaths 1999 - 2000
  10. Tai's Spirit Forest

  11. Why is Collins Center Dying?
  12. Pictures & Articles Page One
  13. Pictures & Articles: Page Two
  14. Area Cancer Studies
  15. Employment & Business Section:

    1. Fired for Having a Heart Attack - The Employment At-Will Doctrine

    2. Is At-Will Out-The-Door in NY?  
    3. Workplace Violence & Employment At-Will
    4. Non-Compete Agreements
    5. Wrongful Termination
    6. State-By-State Laws: At-Will Employment
    7. Hostile Work Environments
    8. Investigate That Business
    9. Background Investigation Databases
    10. Car Buying Guide
    11. State-By-State Resources: Department of Motor Vehicles
    12. International Unclaimed Funds Databases
    13. American Unclaimed Funds Databases

    Drug Tests & False-Positive Drug Tests:

    1. Reader's Dilemma: Fired For drug Test Result                       

    2. Reader's Dilemma: Update   
    3. Reader's Dilemma: Issue's Assessment
    4. Causes of False-Positive Drug Tests  
    5. Drug Testing America: Is it Worth the Cost?
    6. State-By-State: Drug Testing Laws

    The Paranormal:

    1. Debating the Paranormal

    2. Fort George Ghost Tour
    3. Apparitions: A Birthday Visit
    4. Haunted Abbeville
    5. The Ghost That Didn't Like To Remodel 

    Child Support

    1. Current Cases: Back Child Support
    2. Is The System Working?
    3. Caught in the Web
    4. Debate: New Child Support Laws
    5. Department of Social Services: Erie County, NY

    Miscellaneous Pages:

    1. Genealogical Resources 

    2. Pain Management: The Harb Experience
    3. Site Map
    4. Archives
    5. Mail
    6. Spirit Page
    7. Margaret's Country Crafts   Updated: 7/4/2002
    8. Harb Music   NEW: 6/26/2002

    Military Encounters:

    6. THE WAR OF 1812
    11. WORLD WAR I
    13. WORLD WAR II
    17. PARADE 2002
    19. SEPTEMBER 11, 2001  Updated: 6/24/2002

    As always......
    I wish each and every one of you a life filled with dreams and void of ISSUES!
    I appreciate your patience and patronage.

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E-zine First Created 4/6/2002
Page last updated 7/15/2002
C 2002 L Munro