It is extremely important to offer as much evidence as possible when making a statement that one feels is fact. Please click on any of the thumbnails below to be taken to the photo, article or document associated with it.
The following are actual photos taken shortly after the in-air explosion and subsequent crash of a B-47 startojet. The incident occured in April 1958. The crash site comprised a 15 mile stretch of land in North Collins, approximately 8 miles northeast of Collins Center.
Photos taken by: Frank Dickey; Hamburg, NY
The following are articles and photos that appeared in newspapers across the United States concerning the Crash:

The above photos appeared in The Buffalo News The caption from the first picture: "The smoking debris. In foreground is chuck of plane." The caption from second photo: "The widely wreckage of exploding B-47 in Town of Collins farm fields. In far background (arrow) is burned over area where one piece of fuselage fell. In the foreground is the great crater left by exploding mass. Bisecting picture is New Oregon Road. (Ariel photo by Bill Dyviniski)
The following are pieces of one artcile which appeared in the Buffalo News. I chose to split the article into sections to allow our readers the opportunity of reading the article in its entirety.

The following portions of the article are arranged in order.
I have spent a great amount of time researching this topic over the past 14 years. I have received a great amount of correspondence concerning the incident. I have received letters detailing recollections of persons near the crash scene, photos, which I have shared, and a collection of newspaper documentation from all over the country. Many librarians have come to my assistance with this project. Within the archives of their libraries they have located a great deal of information pertaining to the incident, and have sent me photocopies of this newspaper documentation. However, in some cases, the names of the newspapers have not been provided. I will do my best to appropriately name the newspaper from which the following articles were taken.