Discussing Everyday Issues Affecting Everyday People
Edition 21 -
Volume 6
thru 9/7/2002
This Week
This week Issues is happy to run Jerry's story about a "reunion" with an old Nave Buddy. It is a rather comical outlook on old matters, but one that Issues is positive our readers will enjoy.
This Week's Story From Jerry... IT’S HOW YOU LOOK AT THINGS
I had a most pleasant surprise during the July 4th Holiday weekend just past when I had an unannounced visit by a young friend (if you allow a 58 year-old guy as being young). Kevin LeFaye had just retired from the US Navy, as a captain in the Submarine Service. In fact he had been the commander of the last non-nuclear powered sub that was in commission. Continued......
From our Autralian Friend; Nathan, Issues is pleased to present YOU CAN’T SHAKE THE SHADOWS OF TIME
The implications of war still permeate through the cautious shadows cast three decades ago during Australia’s most controversial conflict, the Vietnam War. As Australia again flirts with idea of backing up it’s American buddy in a unified war against Iraq, NATHAN HANCOCK explores the age when the youth of Australia first found their voice. Continued........
Child Support Problems Continue
Issues has received several complaints concerning child support problems, this time, the complaints center on the custodial parent, rather than the non-custodial parent. Unfortunately, the problems are simply repeating Issues' view, that the system DOES NOT WORK!!!
Issues is keeping the identity of this person anonymous. But our respondent seems to have a great view from the "receivers" end, and I personnaly feel that what the respondent has to say is important.
The Complaints
I found Issues while looking for an e-mail address for my CSCU case worker. I also have had many problems, though they seem small compared to the ones referred to here. Among my complaints;
1. most recently-I was sent a form to sign to agree that a judgment paid to me had been satisfied--the address for the payer was incorrect, and since I have knowledge of many people with this same name in Erie county with legal problems, I would not sign it and asked for a correct form to sign, and another one for the other judgment this person has paid in full. I made this request in January 2002 and have had no reply. The case worker made no notes of the conversation so I have no proof at CSCU that it took place. The customer service department has been very helpful these last times I have had to deal with them. They made suggestions that would provide written proof. I think they must know these things do happen. I will be faxing and e-mailing my request this time. I had contacted CSCU in November, 2001 to ask for information to file for an updated child support payment to reflect the payer's correct payment amount because of an increase in income. I also may ask for educational assistance to send my child to college. The request for such help from the other parent was vetoed without question. BUT before I can file for an increase, I must have a Wage Statement from the payer's employer, and my case worker will not provide that to me until I sign the Judgment Satisfaction forms that she has not sent me. It's a catch 22 that I'm sure sounds reasonable, but I don't think it is allowed or legal.
2. When my child support was increased, it took about 6 months before I saw any of it. I accused the payer over and over again of not paying it. He always told me the money was coming out of his check every week-so where was it going? It makes me think this is a way of the CSCU to make a little extra interest. This not only happened here in Erie County, but also in FL. I don't know, though, which end the problem was on-NY or FL. Continued......
This week Issues has two genealogical pages. Our Normal Genealogical Resource Page deals with an article concerning Charles Vosburg, a Confederate Soldier buried next to his Union Soldier Brother-In-Law, in the Town of Collins, Erie County, NY. Next week, Issues will delve into the genealogical aspects of the Vosburg Family.
We have also added a Genealogical Recipe Page. Sp please, drop by and check them both out.
Issues, has risen once again to the WarZone in The Site Fights Competitions. We realize that we have many, many visitors on a daily basis, and we hopt that you will click on the above link and give our webpage a vote. We could certainly use and truly appreciate your support!
Child Support Topics
Another Western New Yorker has found them involved with a Child Support System which does not work.
In 1985, after a relationship breakdown, the custodial parent was taken to court by the non-custodial parent for filiation (or parental determination). After taking the custodial parent to court, the non-custodial parent was ordered to pay support at the rate of $50.oo per week. (Please note, the court proceedings were initiated by the non-custodial parent, NOT the custodial parent.) Once the non-custodial parent had achieved their goal in the filiation hearing, nothing would ever be the same.
The non-custodial parent would sell their business to a family member for one dollar. The non-custodial parent would claim having no income, due to being ”laid-off” while the person was indeed working. Then the non-custodial parent disappeared.
The custodial parent was forced to locate the non-custodial parent. The parent was found living in New Zealand, which did not have a reciprocal agreement with New York State. In order to persue the matter, the custodial parent was forced to have the non-custodial parent's passport revolked. It was not unitl 2001, however, that the custodial parent was allowed to enact any child support rulings, when due to the New Hire Act picked up the non-custodial parent's social security number. Continued...
As always...... I wish each and every one
of you a life filled with dreams and void of ISSUES! I
appreciate your patience and patronage.