Please VIEW ISSUES' VIDEO TRIBUTE to the Victims of the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Massacre. After viewing our tribute, please keep in mind:
Next time things are not going the way you want them too and you are feeling trapped by your circumstances: stop, take a deep breath, count your blessings and then smile at your enemy:you just may make a friend.

Issues came in second place at the battle ground in
The Site Fights. Therefore, we will
be remaining in semi final rounds, and at the
same voting URL.
Issues is asking our readers to drop by and vote for us once a
day, Monday through Friday. Simply scroll down the page click the circle next to
Issues Ezine place your email address in the text box and vote. Don't worry,
your email address will not be sold to an international SPAM group, and
you won't receive unsolicited emails from
The Site Fights for doing us a favor. WE PROMISE!
At-Will Out The Door in NY?
New York is noted as the "most at-will state" in the union by many. Lower
courts have dismissed at-will lawsuits, refusing to set precedence. Those courts
with the guts to stand up for justice will find their decisions overturned at
higher levels. After years of employer abuse; some New York State Senators have
taken a stand:
Come on New Yorkers, email your elected officials and let them know:
Oklahoma Bombing
Tim McVeigh was an All-American boy, from an All-American town who became an
All-American Hero; and I still need to know; WHAT WENT WRONG?
I'm not sure if our story will answer the question or just raise more; but
Issues does know that the Oklahoma Bombing is far from over.
Background Investigation Databases
Issues has decided to publish our page of public
access, free databases to assist those interested in learning how to locate
background information on perspective employees, businesses you may be
interested in doing business with, etc. Issues has yet to write an
article concerning running a background check on either an individual or a
business. The online database list is far from being complete, but there will be
regular updates on this page. So, please,
check it out!