We're In Well, it’s official, Issues is now participating in The Site Fights. So, what exactly are The Site Fights? Well, they are not exactly fights, but rather a means from which the owner of the site can identify with people all over the world, while challenging their site to become the Site Fight Champion. How do you win? Well, that’s easy, or maybe not. People vote for you, your friends, old and new, go to the site fights daily and cast their vote for your site. At this point, Issues is in the qualifying round, so do us a favor and cast your vote today, and tomorrow and the next day, and the next……………. Don't Forget... Father's Day June 19!  
Look for our special tribute to Father's Day!
Edition 10 - Volume 3 6/9/2002 thru 6/15/2002 Editions 1 thru 9 are now archived, with a complete Table of Contents for all archived materials. Issues also has a complete site map. What's New? Just a friendly reminder; on each page the reader will notice a navigation bar across the top of the page. Please pay attention to the navigation bars, the bar changes from week to week on our main page, but not always on the sub-pages. Issues has also begun adding a list of corresponding pages, or pages of similar interest, with the realm of Issues at the end of each article. While you are reading articles of interest to you, please also click onto the links within the articles to locate further information regarding the hyperlinked subject. Issues has updated our first page concerning at-will doctrine. There seems to be a continued interest in the at-will doctrine and what it means to employees throughout the United States; therefore, Issues has decided to updated the corresponding pages and add a new page on the at-will doctrine, which will appear sometime this week. In the meantime, check out the entire employment section, including non-compete agreements, wrongful termination, hostile work environments, and state-by-state laws or lack thereof, concerning the at-will doctrine. So check back from time to time and please: READ THE AT-WILL UPDATE. The at-will doctrine has become an important topic to Issues and we are doing everything within our power to bring the problems with the at-will doctrine to lawmakers across the country in hopes of changing this 125 year old atrocity.(Note - Page updates will always be added on the bottom of this page as they are made.) Following the topic of employment, Issues has updated our Investigate That Business page, and at the request of numerous readers, we are presently working on a page, which will allow our readers access to various research databases, which will include; criminal records, property records, and statistical databases. This page is up, but by far NOT COMPLETE. Issues hopes that this page will assist our readers in two ways; first to allow our readers access to online public records and second to keep our readers from unnecessarily paying for FREE public information.
Issues has recently received copies of documentation regarding the case of back child support and the NEW child support collection units that we have been covering. After assessing the new documentation, Issues has decided to work on a new page concerning this topic. We feel that it is extremely important for the public to know just what could happen to them if they get caught up in this New Government Trap. The purpose of the laws and the support collection unit has seemingly been lost. Issues believes that this is another topic that needs public exposure. It is the opinion of the Editor of Issues Ezine that this institution is overstepping its boundaries, ignoring laws, refusing to follow court orders and taking it upon themselves to do what the institution wants to do, without regards or regrets.
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Issues has also updated our genealogical resource page. This page will be updated again on June 23, 2002. For those of you interested in the field of genealogy, each update holds a variety of free database links, plus other invaluable information. Past pages are available in the archives. In regards to Issues' look into the paranormal, we have decided to Debate the Topic. Issues loves a healthy debate, so feel free to drop us a line, let us know your take on this topic. Are you a believer, a skeptic, or just unsure? Whatever the case may be, Issues wants to hear from our readers. So please, check out the debate read some of our pages concerning the paranormal; then drop us a line. Last week Issues asked our readers to check out the commercial site we sponsor: Margaret's Country Crafts. Margaret carries a line of unique crafts and gifts, such as:  And
 Each of her crafts are handmade, thus no two are identical. So stop by, follow the side navigation bar to look at some of the items Margaret's Country Crafts offers. By the way, while you are there, leave a message in her guestbook and tell her Issues sent you. Last week Issues also told you about Margaret's Country Crafts' contract to sell George Harb's Hit Single Never Let You Go  The former lead singer of Hot Wax
As Editor, I also made the announcement concerning seeing a new physical therapist who specializes in pain management, and the extremely significant reduction in my pain level since beginning therapy with the new therapist. What I failed to explain is that George Harb is my physical therapist. I have added an article explaining the nightmare I have been through over the past 5 1/2 years, and what I consider nothing less than a miracle in my significant pain reduction. I have placed this within the pages of Issues in hopes helping others who suffer from chronic pain. Chronic pain and pain management will be covered more extensively in upcoming editions of Issues Issues has had a great reception to the pages we had begun as a tribute to Memorial Day and have continued our efforts. This week, we have added a page on present military offensives. This page takes the reader through the military offensives, which the United States has been involved in from 1982 through 1999.
Issues' is still awaiting word on the termination of one of our reader's, from his employment as an over-the-road truck driver. Issues has continuously tracked the readers to not only this particular page, but also to corresponding pages, and we have realized that this topic is one of continued interest. Therefore, we have completely updated the page involved with the causes of false-positive drug tests. This page contains links to a variety of information available across the Internet on both prescription and over-the-counter drugs, which can create a false-positive drug test result. Issues has included articles from the FDA, The Journal of Analytical Toxicology and the ACLU involving this topic. Please, educate yourself in this area, it is extremely important in today's drug-testing workforce, to know what prescription or over-the-counter drugs could cause your test results to be reported inaccurately.

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As always......I wish each and every one of you a life filled with dreams and void of ISSUES! I appreciate your patience and patronage. issuesny@hotmail.com
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