Editor's Update
Please check out the commercial site that Issues sponsors:
Margaret's Country Crafts.
Margaret carries a line of unique crafts and gifts. Each of her crafts are handmade, thus no two are identical. The story behind Margaret's Country Crafts is quite simple:
Margaret's Country Crafts started as a mere hobby, but visitors to Margaret's Country Home requested her to allow them to purchase her crafts for themselves. Her visitors in turn told their friends, who would stop at Margaret's Home to view and purchase more crafts. Those friends told their friends and so on, and so on; soon Margaret's Country Hobby began an expansion.
Margaret's Country Crafts expanded to include local craft shows, which in turn grew to include more regional craft shows.
Each spurt of growth added new ideas, new requests, and new crafts being added to Margaret's collection ......
Thus the Conception of Margaret's Country Crafts!
Now Margaret's Country Crafts has expanded to the Internet, giving more people the opportunity to browse and/or purchase Margaret's unique crafts. So stop by, follow the side navigation bar to look at some of the items Margaret's Country Crafts offers. By the way, while you are there, leave a message in her guestbook and tell her Issues sent you.
Margaret's Country Crafts has acquired a contract to sell
George Harb's Hit Single
Never Let You Go
Click to listen
Must Have RealPlayer

The former lead singer of Hot Wax
has gone solo; let Harb, the Michael Bolton of the New Millennium, swoon you with his new love song today!
Now, back to basics, I would like to welcome all of the new visitors to
Issues.Now, I would like to update
Issues regulars and inform our newcomers.
More recently Issues has had a few setbacks, namely the lose of our "FREE" help, namely my husband who will still assist as much as possible, but is presently consummed in other matters, namely making a living! So, I suppose, we will all have to thank him for his efforts and I will move on alone. Second, my leg; while I would like to announce that I have made a miraculous recovery and therefore am able to spend an adaquate amount of time working on issues, that would not be exactly truthful. There is, however, good news.
I have been seeing a new physical therapist who also specializes in pain management, for the past month. My pain level has decreased significantly, and my pain medication consumption has been cut by approximately 75% and that in itself is a miracle! However, I still have a long way to go to get back to normal, or as close to normal as possible. Therefore, I am still restricted from sitting before my computer for more than 10 minute stretches at a time, although I will admit that I sometimes push the amount of time, taking two ten minute intervals per hour instead of one.
I have an extensive exercise program that is designed both to reduce my pain, and strengthen my leg. I still cannot do a great deal of housework, I must still sit with my leg elavated frequently, I still cannot life, kneel, walk or stand too far, but I can sleep!!!
Another miracle, for I have spent the better part of nearly two years being awakened frequently by pain.
Issues has decided to highlight the procedure, the problem and the doctor who has helped me begin to regain some normalcy in my life. Please watch upcoming Editions of Issues ezine for those articles. There just may be someone you, our reader knows, that can benefit from this information.
Since I have lost the major assistance of my hisband, Issues readers will need to be extremely patient with me. For those of you who are use to seeing all new pages on Sunday, I apologize, this may be a disappointment. I will continue to have this, our main entrance page updated every Sunday. I promise to add, or at least update one page per day throughout the rest of the week, that will include our genealogical research page which is presently updated bi-weekly. It would be far to detrimental to my physical improvement to sit before the computer in an attempt to continue this ezine in the manner most have become accustomed to, however, I do promise to continue all of my updates regularly, I will continue to work to resolve issues that afect our readers, I will just do it a bit more slowly on my own.
I would like to publicly thank my husband for all of the assistence and support he has given me, and the continued assistence (Ladies, he cooks great and his cleaning habits are improving!) he will be giving me. I can honestly say I don't know what I would have done without him!"