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Want To Do My Family Tree, Where Do I Start?

Following the Guides: Volume 2 Edition 4!


If you have been following the instructions, great! If not you might first want to check the genealogy sections of: Edition 1, Edition 2 , and Edition 3 before continuing on, or you may choose to just check out our site map.


Locating Genealogical Hints Hidden Within Your Research.

It took me several months of reading and rereading correspondences to realize hidden within the correspondences were clues that assisted me in locating additional information. Now, I simply have a highlighter handy before I even begin reading any correspondences. As I read, I highlight information that seemed pertinent to the responder, whether or not I feel it is pertinent to my research. Sooner or later, the clues you have highlighted will lead you on additional fact finding missions.

As an example, I had written a distinct form letter better known as an Effective Correspondence (See:Genealogy Correspondence: The Writing Rite Done Right) requesting information from persons within a specific geographical area that had the  surname I was researching. One of the correspondences explained that the name I was seeking was pronounced differently than it was spelled. I ignored this small piece of information for more than one year, researching until I would reach dead end after dead end. Upon rereading the correspondence, I noted the  "pronounced differently," statement. 

I looked up the respondent's telephone number and made a call, requesting a live meeting. The respondent was more than happy to honor my request, including my request for a Video Interview. Once I learned the pronunciation of the surname I was researching, I was able to locate a great deal of documentation within New York State census records concerning my family. 


Genealogical Links

I Found It

American Memory Collections Database
From The Library of Congress

Common Threads Database
Discover researchers who are researching your surname. works in cooperation with participating funeral homes.

Family Trees of East Texas


Maintenance of this site is all I can presently handle due to an injury to my leg. If you are looking for researchers in the Western New York area, please contact genfinderwny.

Note: researchers may require a minimal charge to cover expenses.

Always Search a Variety of Search Engines:

The Linkcentre Search Engine


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MAY 2002

My Progress: Stage 4

In our last edition, the reader was taken to local cemeteries in search of the Nunweiler surname. I did locate markers that gave names, both surname and given names, as well as birth and death dates. The dates I found to be exceptionally  important to my research.  Now I had the means of locating additional information. Armed with the new information, I arranged a to meet the local town historian at the historical society building where old newspapers, town histories, photos, etc.; were kept. The historian was quick to point out an index, which listed every name that appeared in every issue of the the local weekly newspaper. I was extremely disappointed as I looked through the index only to find that a great many of my ancestors were not listed. 

I was allowed to photocopy the obituaries I had located via the newspaper index, after which I proceeded home with my new information. I DID NOT research any further on that day. As a reader interested in genealogy and genealogical research I am sure you have picked up on two essential "WRONGS" from the picture I just presented; first, I studied only the index, I did not look through the actual newspapers except to locate the page the surname was located on. I also did not read the obituaries (See: Real Clues in Death Events) that I had located I simply photocopied them. Again, I would find myself retracing step after step due to research errors on my part.

Once I began typing the obituaries into my genealogical program, and adding the additional family information, I realized that the names of surviving female children were listed as Mrs. with the husband's given and surname to follow. Nothing unusual there, except that I also recalled seeing those exact names on tombstones near the tombstones I had located with the Nunweiler surname. So, yes, I made a second visit to the local cemetery, which would become the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, etc;, until I would finally learn the tricks which would save me time and retracing my steps.


Issues  has expanded so drastically and received so much email that concessions must be made in order to give these matters my full attention. Therefore, this page will now be updated on a bi-weekly basis rather than a weekly basis. Bookmark this page so that you can check in on 5/26/2002 to learn more about my next step.

Search the Social Security Death Index
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Page Last Updated 5/15/2002
C 2002 L Munro