After adding all of the individuals in my family tree software program, I began to seach the Internet attempting to locate information that may already exist on my family and/or surname. I utilized the Google Search Engine which now is as easy as adding a toolbar to your browser. I typed in my surname; Nunweiler and began my adventure.
I found 1640 results! I was amazed, okay, I suppose you could also say I was very naive. I clicked on the first link to Grandmother Nunweiler's Pancake and Waffle Mix. Well, no genealogical information there, but fascinating nonetheless, an actual company with my surname. Hmmm, I could even make genealogical gift baskets for my family. Well, if I could ever find my family.
I followed the listings until I came to the listing for Gentner Family Tree. Now, I seemed to be getting somewhere, at least I knew that Gentner was a local surname. I clicked on the link and began scrolling down the page. I guess you could say luck was with me that day, for right before my very eyes were names that my Mother had recalled for me. I began clicking on links, jotting down some information, cutting and pasting more in my software program. I took careful note as to where the owner of this site listed baptism, marriage and burial records; all local!
So, I began my true search, armed with a camera, plenty of extra film, a notebook and pen, I headed to the local cemetery.
Stop by next week for more genealogical adventures.
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4/29/2002 to learn the next step.