Edition 3 - Volume 1 4/21/2002 thru 4/27/2002 Volumes 1 & 2 are now archived Find a complete Table of Contents for all archived materials here. Or go directly to our site map.
It has been another busy week at Issues. Reader's everywhere are sharing their issues with us. Last week issues received a letter from Rick Kelley whose brush with death cost him his job. Thankfully Rick recovered from his heart attack, but he continues looking for answers to help others understand at-will employment; something he will most likely never recover from.
This week we hear from Charlie in New York regarding his two year battle to overcome a constructive and retaliatory discharge. His two year battle ended five months ago when Charlie's employer utilized the at-will doctrine to terminate his employment. No reason given. No reason needed. An employer can dismiss an employee for any reason or no reason, unless you live in Montana. Issues Ezine feels that the at-will doctrine affects more people in the United States than any other single topic, therefore, we have devoted ourselves to inform the public of this issue and lobby for its repeal across America. We have added a state-by state statute/bill search, indicating the states that have or are taking steps to repeal the at-will doctrine and replace it with the wrongful employment termination act. We are asking our readers to join in our fight for freedom against oppression from the at-will doctrine. Share your at-will employment stories with us. Contact your local lawmakers, let them know that we, the citizenry of America, can no longer tolerate their willingness to sacrifice our peace of mind, for big business. If you have had a bad experience with at-will employment, contact your local media and share your story with them. We have even added a specialized search engine to assist in your search. You will be able to locate your local, state and national lawmakers and your local media as easily as entering your zip code.
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Our reader's issue concerning an employment termination after a false-positive drug test has remained a HOT issue. That single page receives more hits daily than any other page on our site. I do however hope that our readers will make themselves aware of all of the prescription and over the counter drugs that can create a false-positive test. Issues has also added state-by state laws regarding drug testing. This is an ongoing issue that will not be pushed into the archive bin until we see congressional action taken to prevent further occurrences of this incident. Issues has also added a genealogy resource page. Each week I will add another piece of information regarding my genealogical adventure, as well as links to genealogical hot spots on the web; including little known free databases.
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Contents APRIL 2002
CYBER MALL Issues NY has partnered with Amazon.com to start our own cyber mall. Now our readers can enjoy the best selection of books, movies and music anywhere, as well as having the convenience of shopping great stores like Target, Toys R Us, Kids R Us and Babies R Us, all from the comfort of home.
Mother's Day is May 12th
 Don't forget that gift for Mom
SITE MAP Issues has added a site map which lists all of our archived material as well as each page of our active editions.
RAISING MINIMUM WAGE April is nearly over, soon you will no longer have the ability to debate the raising of minimum wage.
BUSINESS ISSUES Many of our readers have voiced their frustrations with businesses and business practices. Issues is looking for answers to reader questions. In the meantime, check out our database links conduct your own investigation on businesses across the country.
Buying a New or Used Vehicle Become an educated consumer. Learn how your insurance company rates and classes the vehicle you drive. Learn which vehicles are the safest, which vehicles are more likely to be stolen and what recalls affect the vehicle you presently drive.
We are happy with the increased readership of Issues. I hope this is more than a mere fascination with something new. My dreams are of a trend towards future expectations.Issues is now offering a three month no obligation, totally FREE advertising policy for the business community. Please feel free to contact me for further details.
As always......I wish each and every one of you a life filled with dreams and void of ISSUES!
I appreciate your patience and patronage.
A Special Thanks To The Folks at Nerd World for listing our site!
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