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Consumer Protection Bills
Issues NY Ezine

The following are bills that I feel are important to New Yorkers as a whole for they deal with consumer protection

Bill A00210:
Cases of legitimate bankruptcy are dealt with by our court system. In         
other cases, unscrupulous business owners close shop without warning          
and make off with consumer deposits. These cases of "fraudulent"              
bankruptcy are not specifically dealt with under current law. In              
almost every instance where a fraudulent conveyance takes place, the          
amount of money consists of all of the assets of the organization.            
These assets, in the case of the type of organization specified in the        
legislation, would probably constitute deposits and payments made to          
the organization by multiple creditors for goods and services for             
goods and services that will not be provided.  It is not uncommon for         
stores to go out of business while holding the deposits of numerous           
customers. This legislation would help to prevent such losses and             
punish dishonest business owners.
To learn more about this bill click here
This bill has been referred to code

Bill A00334
Currently, no clear, concise set of definitions of          
deceptive practices exists in either criminal or civil statutes.              
Members of the business community, consumers, and agencies of                 
government who are victimized by deceptive practices such as, offering        
or advertising goods without having such goods, making false or               
misleading statements with respect to goods or services offered, the          
price or the reduction in price thereof, failing to provide goods             
and/or services as represented, and failing to return or refund               
deposits or advance payments for goods and/or services not provided,          
have in most instances no alternative to inadequate civil procedures.         
Providing criminal penalties to control the small disreputable element        
of the business community that preys on society should effectively            
reduce, if not eliminate, unfair competition and deceptive practices.         
The five degrees of penalties for engaging in deceptive practices are         
a class A misdemeanor where the aggregate value of the goods or               
services is not more than one thousand dollars, a class E felony where        
the aggregate value is more than one thousand but less than five              
thousand dollars, a class D felony where the aggregate value is more          
than five thousand but less than twenty-five thousand dollars, a class        
C felony where the aggregate value is more than twenty-five thousand          
but less than one hundred thousand dollars, and a class B felony where        
the aggregate value is more than one hundred thousand dollars. These          
penalties would provide adequate protection for its victims. Far too          
frequently, such judgments that are obtained under civil procedures           
are uncollectible because of the sophistication those who engage in           
deceptive practices have in hiding their assets. Such procedures that         
do exist in civil law to recover losses are far too cumbersome,               
expensive, and ultimately ineffectual in most instances. In those             
instances where goods, services, or restitution will not, has not, or         
cannot be obtained under existing law, this act would provide a               
substantial incentive to provide relief in order to avoid                     

To learn more about this bill click here
This bill has been referred to Code

I urge you to tell your friends about these bills. I also urge you to contact your representative with your support or condemnation in regards to these and other proposed legislation.
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This Page Last Updated:4/28/2002
C 2002 L Munro