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Discussing Everyday Issues Affecting Everyday People

Edition 4 - Volume 1
4/28/2002 thru 5/4/2002

Editions 1, 2 & 3 are now archived,
with a complete Table of Contents for all archived materials. Issues Ezine also has a complete site map.



There have been a few changed and a few additions to this week's edition of Issues. Our car-buying guide has a new look and a payment calculator to help our readers decipher whether or not a new vehicle is really within their budget. Issues has added a link page to each state's Department of Motor Vehicles. Now, our readers can find their vehicle licensing information easier than they can find the car of their dreams.


Issues is still involves in finding a solution for Bill from South Carolina. Recapping the issue, Bill lost his job as an OTR Trucker when he falsely tested positive for amphetamines. Despite the fact that Bill is taking the medication, Adipex, an amphetamine-like prescription drug which is known to create false-positive drug test results. He was also taking OTC sinus medication with ingredients known to create a false-positive drug test result, he was immediately released from his job. Bill was given a NIDA 5-panel urinalysis, there was no gas chromatography test administered as a follow-up to the urinalysis.

Issues has been in contact with the DOT, the administrators of the laws regarding drug testing and OTR Drivers, (note: state laws differ drastically regarding drug testing) as well as the FDA on this matter. Christine S Parker of the FDA has responded to our questions regarding Adipex as follows: "I have looked into the question about phentermine (Adipex) and positive drug tests. From the sources available, phentermine is clearly related to amphetamines; whether it can cause a positive drug test, I don't know." Christine offered Issues alternative avenues of research. We also received a response from, Jean-Paul Andrivet of "As Phentermine is similar chemically to Amphetamines, it may cause a positive result in urine screening tests for Amphetamines. However, we recommend that you obtain additional information to support the fact that phentermine may screen positive for amphetamines. This may depend on how the test device actually works." Our research on this matter shall continue.

Although this issue is being investigated, as to accuracy of testing, etc., Bill has a new issue to deal with; the possible loss of his home. Even though Bill managed to locate other employment, his gross salary is now one half of what he previously made. So, while he struggles to clear his record from the false accusation of drug usage, he must also struggle to keep the home he worked so diligently to obtain.


Rick from South Carolina and Charlie from New York are still struggling with the plight of their at-will employment dismissals. While no definitive solutions are available to either of these men, a few lawmakers around the country have shown interest in making laws to protect at-will employees. Presently, Montana is the only state in the nation with active anti-at-will/employee protection laws. The only other state to have any employee protection laws is Arizona (protection against constructive discharge). Three additional states have bills before legislature regarding abrogating the at-will employment doctrine.


Utilize our databases to locate information on businesses throughout the U.S.


Issues has learned that people from all over the world have been paying for free services; not because they want to, but rather from lack of knowledge on where to locate the information. Issues is dedicated to assuring our readers no longer get "ripped-off" by unscrupulous companies who prey on those who are unaware of what is available to them at no cost.

APRIL 2002

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May is going to be a busy month. Issues will be taking a new look at some old issues!


Bonnie from New York found herself in a dilemma for working two jobs! Bonnie, a single female, finds that in order to live a life of necessity only, she must work two jobs. When lack of work at one job necessitated a cut back from five to three days, Bonnie did not worry, after all, the company she worked for was involved with a "shared work" agreement with the Department of Labor; Unemployment Division. Bonnie was to learn, that despite this agreement, the part-time job she worked would exclude her from all unemployment benefits. Could things get any worse?

As a matter of fact, yes! Bonnie is presently disabled, and unable to perform at either of her jobs. While she is receiving benefits from both places of employment, Bonnie says: "I am allowed to receive benefits from both ... BUT ... not the normal full amount from both because I am receiving from both policies ... once again I feel that I am being PUNISHED because I work 2 jobs ... "

Issues is presently investigating Bonnie's problems in hopes of locating a solution.


One of the legal cases Issues has been following involves a back child support matter. This topic sparked an intense reader feedback. Reader reaction to the child support problem offered a generalized consensus that Issue's readers believe the new child support laws and enforcement teams need to be revisited and revised; in general the new system does not work!

Issues also received a variety of complaints about the system. Complaints that include: courts being far more tolerant towards women who owe child support than the system is to men; monies continuously being withdrawn from support paying parent well after payments have been deemed to stop; payments taken from support paying parent but not reaching payee; and non-returns of overpayment or partial returns of overpayment to support paying parent. Each of the received complaints involved the Erie County, New York Child Support Enforcement Unit. These complaints appear indicative of a dysfunctional entity; and offer the opinion that the New York State Child Support Enforcement Unit is one of the most unorganized, inefficient, troublesome entities in all of this country.

A great deal of significance should be given to the fact that it appears that child support collection is BIG business in New York State. The question Issues wants answered is: 'Where is all of this money going?'





Please be patient. I spend every moment my leg allows working at this ezine, unfortunately that amounts to less than two hours daily. Please support the affiliate advertisers of this site, help us become self-sufficient so that a full time staff member can be added.

As always......I wish each and every one of you a life filled with dreams and void of ISSUES!
I appreciate your patience and patronage.


This is the last week our readers have to share their thoughts on raising the minimum wage.


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E-zine First Created 4/6/2002
Page last updated 5/2/2002
C 2002 L Munro