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Discussing Everyday Issues Affecting Everyday People

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Edition 2 - Volume 1
4/14/2002 thru 4/20/2002

Volume 1 - Introductory Edition is now archived
Find a complete Table of Contents for all archived materials here.


Well, what can I say, one week on the web and I have learned that frustration with government, politics, the law, the Judicial System, and businesses abound. I was amazed at the response we have received on our first week on-line. I was even more amazed to see that people across the USA were also eager to share their issues with us.

In our First Edition, we ran breaking news from the New York Assembly. With the Passing of Bill A05132 by the Assembly, another section arose in Issues, our weekly debate. The Debate shall remain active again this week as we await response from six randomly selected Assemblymen concerning their views on this Bill. We shall also include more information on the concerns previously expressed concerning the passing of Bill A05132. We would also appreciate feedback from you, our readers.



There seems to be a trend. While we are not adding cookies to your browser as you enter our site, we are tracking the geographic areas in which are readers reside, as well as the pages which seem to be the most popular and have the most repeat visits. Outside of our home page, which has received many visits, and regretfully readers have not proceeded on, we have found two pages which receive more visits than any other: Reader's Issues Page concerning drug testing, Our Page on Drug Testing Goofs and finally our page concerning the Debate on Raising Minimum Wage. Each of these pages will remain active again this week.

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APRIL 2002

The At-Will Doctrine

Look for more information concerning the at-will doctrine and how it affects you as an employee in 49 out of 50 states across America

Terminated For Having Heart Attack!

Imagine having a heart attack and loosing your job! Sound far fetched? Not if you live in an at-will state; your job can be terminated for any reason or no reason at all; as Rick learned nearly two years ago...Read More


Make sure you understand your rights to pension benefits in connection with divorce proceedings


Buying a New or Used Vehicle
Become an educated consumer. Learn how your insurance company rates and classes the vehicle you drive. Learn which vehicles are the safest, which vehicles are more likely to be stolen and what recalls affect the vehicle you presently drive.



I appreciate all of the kind words and compliments that I have received in this first week as editor of Issues. I hope to continue Editing Issues for a many years to come, and I hope that readership continues to grow, as does reader participation.
I wish each and every one of you a life filled with dreams and void of ISSUES!
I appreciate your patience and patronage.

A Special Thanks To The Folks at Nerd World for listing our site!


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Assembly to Consider Rent Regulation Bills
Real Property Taxation

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E-zine First Created 4/6/2002
Page last updated 4/30/2002
C 2002 L Munro